For AEI RG2758 solution, check the SAP KBA 2370720. For AEI RG2904 solution, check the SAP KBA 2370724. This SAP KBA is specific for AEI RG2485 solution only. The current SAP's AEI solution is divided in three parts (RG2485, RG2904 and RG2758), which are different general resolutions from AFIP. We intend to maintain this SAP KBA updated with new SAP Notes and other future changes regarding the AEI solution. This SAP KBA aims to clarify questions about the implementation and use of the Argentina's Electronic Invoice RG2485 (also known as RG4290/4291) solution that support the legal requirement Resolución General 2485/2010 from AFIP (national tax authority from Argentina).

Please use this component when opening incidents from now on. If that does not work either, you can switch off VPN completely.HOT TOPIC: Component XX-CSC-AR-LO is being migrated to FI-LOC-LO-AR. You can check it with your Virtual Private Network (VPN) and consider switching your server to another country if you have the option to. Step 5 – The website might be on the list of restricted sites in your region.
Sucursal electronica how to#
Here is a guide on how to clear your cache on your browser. Step 4 – If the former steps do not help, it is likely that there are cookies in your cache preventing you from logging in. If all the letters in your passwords are in uppercase, check if you’re using CAPS LOCK. Step 3 – If you have uppercase letters in your passwords, be sure to punch them in at the right place. However, you should check if anyone is around to see your credentials. If you can, you can also opt to view your passwords as you type it. Some of our customers have tried using their old passwords and failed. Step 2 – Make sure that you are using as well as entering the right login information. This is the primary reason why your login is failing, either due to connection instability or requests timing out. Step 1 – First, check your Internet connection. If you fall into one of those cases where you cannot log into our page, here is a guide for you to fix it on your side.

It is very rare to see people having troubles with our login system, a guide should still be ready to prevent any mishaps.